Graphene FIR Heating Tech Far Infrared Hot Comrpess
With a large heating area, Graphene heating system inside, fast heated up in only 3 seconds, generates 6-14um far infrared (FIR) light waves, helping pain/fatigue/stiffness relief, cozy, even and comfortable.
The flexible cloth graphene heating film is composed of flexible circuit board (FPC), waterproof cloth material protection layers, and a low square resistance graphene conductive film independently developed by PMA Group. Compared with PI graphene heating film, the heating area is larger, the flexibility is better, and there is no abnormal sound when bending and rubbing. It can be applied to the field of clothing and home textiles. It can meet the requirements of machine washing.
New Generation II graphene heating system increases the heating area by 44%, fast heating in 3s, 99% thermal energy conversion, releasing 6-14 μm far infrared light waves to make cells absorb the energy generated and enter in high energy level of vibrating state to improve micro circulation, increase blood flow and relieve discomforts.
Stick easily Relieve neck
We are busy with work and atudy,more or less a little cervical vertebra problems,but we are busy with work have no time to pay attention to,but for a long time,cervicel vertebra will be unbearable pain. Cool and easy tranditional Chinese medicine hot compress warm neck paste,open the bag immediately,the use of fragmentation time hot compress,from the neck to the heart,dispel fatigue.
Graphene Fast Heating Film.The thinnest,hardest and best heat conduction material so far,better than other carbon fiber or other traditional heaters,99% heat conversion,fast heating in 3s,generating cosy and even heat,without radiation,able to access to PMA Bifang AI temperature control system.